Links Yu-Chien Ning's Personal Website

Yu-Chien Ning 甯宇謙

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Harvard University
 Boston, MA, USA
 Google Scholar


Quantum Computing Software and Hardware:

  • Qiskit Textbook
    It is very detailed and up-to-date tutorials about learning quantum computation with Qiskit. What most fascinates me about Qiskit is that it also demonstrates how to low-level control and calibrate the real qubits and gate operations remotely with microwave pulses with Qiskit Pulse .
  • Qiskit Metal
    A recently released software to automate the design and simulation of superconducting qubits, integrated with several microwave simulation softwares, such as HFSS and Sonnet. It is exciting that this life-saving software is also open to the public.
  • Quantum Machine Learning with PennyLane
    It is a very well-written tutorials with lots of demos about quantum machine learning algorithms and optimization problems.
  • Career Navigation for Early-Career Physicists:

  • APS Impact Program: Industry Mentoring for Physicists
    It is a very good program for any physics students or postdocs who are considering a career in the industry. You can match with several mentors who are established industry physicists. It is also a great networking platform. Many of the mentors on the APS Impact program are willing to discuss with you about the career navigation questions and sometimes even generously help you with the job application processes and share their tips.
  • APS Webinars
    The Summer Webinar Series about the Career Development is especially recommended!
  • Webinars on Quantum Science:

  • VSF Long Range Colloquium
    Biweekly online seminars about latest developments in condensed matter physics and quantum information.
  • Qiskit Quantum Information Science Seminar Series
  • Quantum Matter Seminars
  • Quantum Science Seminar
  • Quantum Chaos 2020 Seminars
  • Online Lectures on Quantum and Condensed Matter Physics:

  • Online Lectures on NanoHub by Purdue University:
    Especially recommended: Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Part A: Basic Concepts and Part B: Quantum Transport by Prof. Supriyo Datta
  • Lectures by Prof. Steve Simon at Oxford University:
    1. Oxford Quantum Matter 2020
    2. The Oxford Solid State Basics
  • Quantum Transport lectured by Prof. Sergey Frolov at the University of Pittsburg
  • Learning Python:

  • Scipy Lecture Notes
  • Google's Python Class
  • Scientific Python Lectures by Dr. Robert Johansson