- Yu-Chien Bo Ning, 2024, "Empirical Bayes large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional sparse binary sequences"
87 pages, submitted, arXiv:2307.05943 [arXiv].
- Cheng-Han Hsieh, Hector G. Arce, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Yu-Chien Bo Ning, Stella S. R. Offner, Maria Jose Maureira, and Michael M. Dunham, 2024, "Towards an Observed Protostellar Mass Function for Class 0 Sources: A Method Derived from Jet Properties"
22 pages, submitted to the Astrophyical Journal.
Statistical methodology and theory
- Yu-Chien Bo Ning and Ning Ning , 2023. "Spike and slab Bayesian sparse principal component analysis."
Statistics and Computing, 34(118):118-134.
- Bo Y.-C. Ning and Ismaël Castillo, 2023, "Bayesian multiscale analysis of the Cox model."
Bernoulli, 30(2):1525-1554.
[Supplmental Material]
- Ryan Martin and Bo Ning, 2020. "Empirical priors and coverage of posterior credible sets in a
sparse normal mean model." Sankhyā A (Special issue in honor of J.K. Ghosh), 82(2):477-498.
- Bo Ning, Seonghyun Jeong, and Subhashis Ghosal, 2020, "Bayesian linear regression for multivariate responses
under group sparsity", Bernoulli, 26(3):2353-2382.
[Supplemental material]
- Bo Ning, Subhashis Ghosal and Jewell Thomas, 2019.
"Bayesian method for causal inference in spatially-correlated multivariate time series.", Bayesian Analysis, 14:1-28.
[Supplemental material]
[R code]
Data science
- Bo Ning, Alexander Wise, Jessi Cisewski-Kehe, Sarah Dodson-Robinson, and Debra Fischer, 2020,
"Identifying activity-sensitive spectral lines: A Bayesian variable selection approach."
The Astronomical Journal, 158(5):15pp.
[R code]
- Shubham Kanodia, Angie Wolfgang, Gudmundur K. Stefansson, Bo Ning, and Suvrath Mahadevan, 2019,
"Mass-Radius relationship for M dwarf exoplanets: Comparing nonparametric and parametric methods."
The Astrophysical Journal, 882(1):14pp.
[Python package]
- Bo Ning, Angie Wolfgang and Sujit Ghosh, 2018,
"Predicting exoplanet masses and radii: A nonparametric approach."
The Astrophysical Journal, 869(5):16pp.
[R code]
Software packages
- Shuyu Guo and Bo Y.-C. Ning, 2023. MUSS: Spike and slab variable selector under matrix uncertainty. [Link]
- Bo Y.-C. Ning}, 2021. VBsparsePCA: The variational Bayesian method for sparse PCA. [Link]
- Shubham Kanodia, Angie Wolfgang, Gudmundur K. Stefansson, Bo Ning, Suvrath Mahadevan, 2019. MRExo: Non-parametric mass-radius relationship for exoplanets. Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1912.020. [Link]